Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I love conversations with my kiddos...they provide such radical insight!  This morning, well just now, I mentioned that Abraham Lincoln was considered depressed (a detail I learned in my psych book ;-)).  My girl asks, "What's depressed?"

"Well, it's where you're sad...a lot," I explained.  That's not the technical definition, however it suffices for the curious 9 year old, and it makes sense to her. I continued with this, "You know when daddy died, and I was in my room...a lot? I was depressed".  Her response floored me.

"You were a ship that sunk," she said.  I couldn't have said it better myself.

When Doug died, my ship had sunk.  And according to her this is how she processes his death as well.  She may not have told me as such, but her thoughts on depression tell me that it is true.

Thankfully, while that ship may have sunk we didn't go down with it.  That life did, but we did not.  We've created a new normal and have begun to move on.  This doesn't mean that we've forgotten that ship either, just as we don't forget actual ships that have sunk we won't forget Doug ;-).