Saturday, August 13, 2011


I've heard it said, many times, that busy is an acronym for Being Under Satan's Yoke. I've also pondered that and agree with it somewhat. If I'm too busy then I get caught up in the busy-ness of life instead of focusing on the ultimate goal - Jesus.

I'm writing this for many reasons, some easy to point out and others...well..a little less. I actually came to the conclusion that I'm too busy when I started looking into a dating site and actually talking to people. I realized, "Oh my goodness! Where am I going to fit THAT in?" Then it hit me...I'm somewhat too busy and VERY scheduled! Scheduled is not bad, it's good to have schedules and keep them. It's not good to live in such a way that there's no room for the spontaneous and by spontaneous I mean the thing that sounds fun but if I did it I would stress out because that meant something else that needed to be done didn't get done! I believe that our God is a god of order, yet also a god of balance.

Balance. Yet another thing that fits into this whole 'busy' thing. We have to remain balanced in order to live a healthy happy life. We cannot be all work and no play and we cannot be all play and no work...there is order and balance in this. If that means that the work (house cleaning, laundry, dishes...etc...) waits while you play, then so be it; if that means that the play (the skiing, the softball, the games...etc...) wait while you work, then so be it. We (OK I really mean, I) need to learn that it is OK for the dishes to wait a minute while my girl tells me a story or my boy wants me to play video games with him (yes I do and I love it!), but that also means that I can wait to play if the dishes are needing to be done. And the glory of it is that I can learn from others who have a 'system' and get to do both because they've been diligent.

Diligence. That's another one that goes hand in hand with balance. If I am diligent with what the Lord has blessed me with then I won't be so busy that I miss out on what the Lord has for me; I will get to play because all my work is done!

All this to say that I do not live under the acronym of BUSY, I live under the banner of the almighty God! And as for the dating site...I will make time for that without sacrificing any time dedicated for work or play with my kids, if the Lord wills of course ;-).