Thursday, September 27, 2012

Holy Moly!

It's been five months since I posted here!  That is just NOT OK! So here's a tidbit, a little of what God is doing ;-).  I know it's not much, however, it is where God has me and I'm sure you'll enjoy!

Grace...we all do not deserve it, yet we are so freely given it.  This past weekend I had the pleasure of learning grace first hand.  A situation came up where I failed someone and I felt horrible.  I felt I had let them down and that they were very upset with me, even though I knew that wasn't the case.  Needless to say I was upset with myself.  Normally, I would begin beating myself up at this point, yet because of the God that I serve I have been learning how to overcome that battle.  This time I began to search out the truth.  The truth was I had let someone down, I failed.  However, the truth was also that while this person was probably upset, they understood - life happens and people forget things!

Thankfully this happened on a Sunday and it happened before worship started.  I had already planned on spending some time studying before church service started, yet the worship is what got me.  As I was worshiping I was still pondering (OK, dwelling) on the previous situation.

"What would have happened if the tables were turned, if they were to have brought the item yet forgot?" I heard the Lord ask me.  "I would tell them it was no big deal!  To not worry about it at all!"  "Why do you have grace enough for everyone else but you?"  That statement spoke right to the matter at hand.

I found that I have grace galore for others and absolutely none for myself.  That was huge.

Why is it that we can have so much grace for those around us but have none for ourselves?  I'm sure there are many reasons and I have my own theories in regards to my own situation, yet the fact remains that while we were still sinners Christ died for us and His Father extended grace that was undeserved.

How much more grace should we extend to each other...including ourselves.

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