Monday, April 11, 2011


Today I am reminded just Whose I am...I am His.

Yesterday was not so good...if you heard a call for "Pity, party of one!", it was for me. I was frustrated with school, life, and anything in between! BUT today is a new day. Yes, life is still happening and school assignments still due, however I am reminded that He knows the plans He has for me, to prosper and not harm, to bring me a future and a hope; that if I seek Him I will find Him! (Jer 29:11-13).

I have to admit that I woke up in a great mood, that even though I have three late assignments for the same class, today is a new day! However, I then rolled over and got out of bed. God is good though, because shortly after I got out of bed I was shown the above verse by two different sources and yet another that was OH SO POWERFUL! The other is Zeph 3:17, "Your God is present among you-a strong warrior there to save you-happy to have you back-he'll calm you with His love" (Lisa Bevere version).

Oh Lord how I need you this day! Thank you for your goodness and mercy!

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