Welcome to the whirlwind thoughts of one woman's travels. I'm a mom and a widow and at this point I write. I'm recently remarried, yet still have my struggles and insecurities related to the death of my first husband...so I still write...to encourage others along the way ;-)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Over the last few days I have pondered many things about the Holidays. This is the fourth Holiday season without Doug and sadly it really hasn't gotten any easier. In fact, I think I've just gotten better at covering up what's going on inside.
The first Christmas we were blessed to have our sweet friends the Berthoud's living with us, along with the Jones'. Having them there helped to cushion the blows of being without Doug. The kids got their socks blessed off by the Workman's Comp Fund and we made the best of it. I wonder, though, if all the presents were just a distraction keeping us from dealing with the hurt and pain inside of all of us.
The next year we were all in new (and separate) homes. This brought on a new type of pain, a pain of us realizing we were moving on without him. The Berthoud's lived right across the street and came over when we put our tree up...the tree was a new tradition as well. It was a fake one...maybe somewhat describing myself at that point in time - fake because I was hiding what was really going on inside from everyone including myself. They helped us decorate and supported us in another time that we needed Jesus with flesh on...they really are the only ones who've seen us all at our worst and love and support us along the way of this healing road.
The third year I decided that we were healed enough to put our own decorations up without anyone for us to crutch on. I KNOW that they would have been there in a heartbeat if I had asked, they always are. Yet I also knew that if we didn't just rip the band-aid off, so-to-speak, we never would. I've always been that way, I'd just rather deal with all the pain that ripping that band-aid off will yield than a festering band-aid that just annoys me. We did good...we laughed, we cried, and we got it all up.
This year is really no different than last year. Well, yes it is. What I forgot to mention is that last year we went up to Montana to be with my sister for Thanksgiving and by the time we got back I didn't even really want to put the tree up because I was so busy with school and work. But we did...just as we did again this year. I think we even did better this year in our dealing with Doug not being here. Yes, we cried. Yes, I dealt with stubborn preteen emotions. Yes, we got the tree up and it's gorgeous.
However, this year is different. There have been many times where I've just thought, "Oh, how I wish Doug were here!" Who doesn't want that extra shoulder to cry on? Who doesn't want someone to shop with for the kids? Who doesn't want someone to just help? I have had my moments of crying out to the Lord because of different situations that I feel no one else would understand. This year I shopped for the kids with the kids (I don't recommend it with 9 and 11 year olds!). And this year I've also gotten phone calls about mice in the house (Joey's a good mouser, haha!), heard many a 's/he's picking on me!' and ran into a tree...all things I would love to have a helpmate for!
Again, though, I'm reminded that I have not been chosen to walk this road for no reason...He has always had a plan for this and every part of my life. Just this morning I heard of another brother in the Lord who has gone on to be with Jesus...which is why my heart hurts again. I read all the posts to his beloved wife and I'm almost immediately brought back to July 17, 2009. I read all the well wishes, condolences and her broken heart and I hurt for her, with her.
So this post is two-fold: one for me to pour my heart out yet again and two for those who may read this that may be like most of the world in not knowing how to help someone who is going through the death of a spouse (the death of any one close really). First: Give space. Let them know that you are there if they want someone to talk to, yet don't be the one who is coming up frequently asking if they are OK, especially if you are not really close to them. The honest answer to "are you OK?" is, "Well, what do you think? I just lost my spouse! Of course I'm not OK!" Second: Give time. Everyone grieves in their own way. Some shut down and are 'ready' to move on right away; others take years to fully process what has happened. There is no formula for when grief is done...really grief is going to be a part of their lives for the rest of their lives because there will always be something to remind them of their loved one. Third: Give grace. This is a touchy time. Emotions are high and sometimes volatile toward those around them. Please know that they are not themselves, they are just walking through the stages of grief and much grace may be needed. Fourth: Give prayer. They need it. Pray for peace, for comfort, for love, for some understanding, and for His will to be made alive in them.
If you are close, remain close if you can...if you can't do that well, it may be best if you took a backseat. I was blessed with some amazing friends who have been through it all with me...one who has never been through what I have (and I pray she never does) yet she cries with me just as if it were her instead of me. If you are not close and wonder what you could do, well, read the list above and if nothing else just pray for them! Sometimes those who are close become distant and those who are distant become close. God knows who we need in our lives and will place each of us in the right places at just the right time. One of the finest gifts I got in the beginning of my grief walk was a friend who had waited to say anything because he and his wife knew what I was going through...yet at just the right time he sent an encouraging word letting me know that they were there if I ever needed anything. (They knew my walk because they had lost a child in a fatal accident just a few years prior to Doug's death)
I pray that if this beloved sister reads this that she will be comforted both by these words and our heavenly Father who knew that this would happen and is holding her together when she feels that she is falling a part. And I pray that you who read this and don't know what to do around those who are grieving gain a little insight into those who are.
Monday, December 17, 2012
I've heard this song quite a bit but when I listened this time I heard the lyrics for what seemed like the first time...take a read:
And I forget my name
Remind me who I am
In the mirror all I see
Is who I don't wanna be
Remind me who I am
In the loneliest places
When I cant remember what grace is
Tell me, once again
Who I am to You, who I am to You
Tell me, lest I forget
Who I am to You, that I belong to You
To You
When my heart is like a stone,
And I'm running far from home
Remind me who I am
When I can't receive Your love
Afraid I'll never be enough
Remind me who I am
If I'm Your beloved can You help me believe it
Tell me, once again
Who I am to you, who I am to You
Tell me, lest I forget
Who I am to you, that I belong to You
To You
I'm the one You love, I'm the one You love
That will be enough, I'm the one You love
Tell me, once again
Who I am to you, who I am to You
Tell me, lest I forget
Who I am to you, that I belong to You
Tell me, once again
Who I am to You, who I am to You
Tell me, lest I forget
Who I am to You, that I belong to You
To You
To You
I have loved this song since I first heard it on the radio, but it wasn't until this latest listen that I heard, "I'm the one you love, I'm the one you love, That will be enough, I'm the one you love". Now hold your spot here for a minute while I tell you of another song that I heard this morning.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Another choice I don't want to remember
Been here too many times
Every day's another fight
I'm at war with the person I could be
Give me a chance and I'll mess up a good thing
But this is where it ends
Yeah, this is where it ends
This is where I draw the line
This is the where the old me dies
Light a match, let it burn, kiss it goodbye,
Giving up what I was
This is where I draw the line
Another battle I've lost fighting solo
How many times must I learn what I already know?
Can't do this on my own
I wasn't meant to fight alone
So I'm lifting my hands in surrender
Take my faults and my flaws, make me better
Cause this is where I end: right where You begin
Whoa, whoa,
Set me on fire,
Set me on fire,
Burn me up, burn me up, burn me all the way,
Til there's nothing left but You
Burn me up, burn me up, burn me all the way,
Til there's nothing left but You
Set me on fire, cuz'...
This is where I draw the line
This is the where the old me dies
Light a match, let it burn, kiss it goodbye,
Giving up what I was
This is where I draw the line
Burn me up, burn me up,
Burn me all the way,
Til there's nothing left but You
Burn me up, burn me up,
Burn me all the way,
Til there's nothing left but You
This is where I draw the line
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Holy Moly!
Grace...we all do not deserve it, yet we are so freely given it. This past weekend I had the pleasure of learning grace first hand. A situation came up where I failed someone and I felt horrible. I felt I had let them down and that they were very upset with me, even though I knew that wasn't the case. Needless to say I was upset with myself. Normally, I would begin beating myself up at this point, yet because of the God that I serve I have been learning how to overcome that battle. This time I began to search out the truth. The truth was I had let someone down, I failed. However, the truth was also that while this person was probably upset, they understood - life happens and people forget things!
Thankfully this happened on a Sunday and it happened before worship started. I had already planned on spending some time studying before church service started, yet the worship is what got me. As I was worshiping I was still pondering (OK, dwelling) on the previous situation.
"What would have happened if the tables were turned, if they were to have brought the item yet forgot?" I heard the Lord ask me. "I would tell them it was no big deal! To not worry about it at all!" "Why do you have grace enough for everyone else but you?" That statement spoke right to the matter at hand.
I found that I have grace galore for others and absolutely none for myself. That was huge.
Why is it that we can have so much grace for those around us but have none for ourselves? I'm sure there are many reasons and I have my own theories in regards to my own situation, yet the fact remains that while we were still sinners Christ died for us and His Father extended grace that was undeserved.
How much more grace should we extend to each other...including ourselves.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A new day...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Beautiful things
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
What if...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Get your seat belt on tight for this one!
Crazy dream:
It starts out with Susan, Jenna, and me in my room…like we were getting ready for something. Susan then says she smells something funny which reminds me that someone or something had been seriously sick in my room. It was on my bed (pooh) and on the floor by my window (barf…wet barf). I don’t mean to be graphic; I’m just giving the details of my dream ;-). So I say something to the effect of, “Yeah, I’m sorry, the cat got sick and I haven’t cleaned it up yet” (gross, I know…again my apologies). So we leave and Jenna and I are in the car (I think we were at the recreation center working out) when all of a sudden we see another car that has people dressed up as clowns. All of the people were tattooed in some way and two of the people were a couple we knew years ago. At that point Jenna backs her car up, keeping up with them going forward, and we started talking with them. They were shocked to see us, but were pleasant nonetheless and then we go on about our business. Then (you know the fun part about dreams? When you’re all of a sudden in a different ‘scene’ and you don’t know how you got there! That’s what happened at this point) I was at my house and the gross mess was still there, yet there were several things missing. Namely my memory boxes, a nightstand, and a headboard (I don’t even have a head board!). Oh, and I noticed I had a messed up thermostat, which right now works fine. Instantly, I was upset and I didn’t know what to do. So I called Jenna (at this time she was not physically with me) and told her what had happened. After I got off the phone with her I just sobbed at the loss. I could care less about the nightstand and headboard (that I don’t have anyway, lol!) but my heart ached for those memory boxes and what was in them. What importance do they hold? They are mostly Doug. So I sat there, then lay there, a sobbing mess. Until Jenna got there again. I got the feeling that she was rather annoyed with my sobbing and wanting me to just get over it as it was just stuff, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t let this go. I remember looking at her and saying, “They even took my headboard! I think I had a headboard…?” and when I went into the room that’s when I saw my mirror filled with dust. As I looked up my ceiling was a mess! There were pictures and sketchings and drawings all over! Mostly the sayings were of the encouraging kind and the pictures were pictures that would have been from before Doug passed away, so seemingly from a memory box (I do not believe that there are pictures in either of the memory boxes I own, but that’s the way my mind wrapped it up!) and when I looked further (in total shock now, more shock than when I was when Doug died!) I saw that they had taken down something on my wall that I had put there, but where I looked in my dream is where my light switch is! I also remember seeing a ceiling fan, which I do not have and I also was together enough to know I had to call the cops. I got the feeling that this happened while I was napping rather than while I was out with Jenna, but I could not get over the fact that I was in the house when it happened (I may have thought that because I was ‘napping’ at the time of the dream…?). I also felt that Doug was there as well, but not in the room so I couldn’t be sure. This again ensued a plethora of sobs, which may have caused Jenna to leave (I don’t do drama either, so I’m not really surprised…I am surprised at the amount of emotion I put into this dream though!) and then Doug was there. I was still so upset, I explained everything to him while in the kitchen (in the house I now live in and he’s not ever lived in) when he showed me our skylight (which he must have insisted upon because I currently do not have a skylight anywhere in the house, nor do I plan on putting one in!). The skylight had a sticker on it, one that must have not been there before, and instantly we knew who did the break in…the couple Jenna and I had seen while driving. The sticker was nothing spectacular, just something that they would have put up. All throughout this time I got the feeling that all they wanted to do was help, but they didn’t know what to do or how to help, so they did what they knew. After seeing the sticker and telling Doug about working out and seeing the couple I woke up…very confused at what had just happened. And also checking my room for anything out of place ;-).
Monday, March 5, 2012
Oh my
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thoughts from a broken heart
This road started after I heard a gentleman call in on the radio. They were talking about how the female of the show got a Valentine text from her dad and how most girls are still their dad's Valentines even well after their daughter's have grown up. This particular dad called in and said that he's been 'gloriously destroyed' by his daughter, that it's almost as if God says to girls when they are born that they have their daddy's wrapped around their fingers (paraphrased that last bit ;-) ).